LUNDI 17/09/2018
Lundi 17 Septembre 2018
Warm up: 15’
Mobilité + 4 rounds: 5 pause push press, 5 one leg box jump, 5 wallball le plus haut possible
Skill: 15’
Travail HSPU strict par niveau
MetCon: 10’
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
7 handstand push-ups
1 rope ascent, 15-ft. rope
Modify the movements so that each set can be performed quickly and unbroken, round after round. The sets are intentionally small to avoid failure at either movement. Aim for less than one minute per round.
Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 handstand push-ups
1 rope ascent, 15-ft. rope
Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
7 knee push-ups
1 rope climb, lying to standing